Morrison’s Academy in Perthshire is a vibrant independent day school which offers every pupil a personalised education. Whether it’s in the purpose built Nursery or Sixth Year common room, children are known and guided to find their passions and strengths. Primary classes have a dedicated form teacher and are small by design to ensure that pupils get the most from their learning experience.

In Secondary School, the specialist teachers continue to share information; preferences for learning, where they need support, where they need to be challenged and this transfer of knowledge builds a strong picture of individuals.

Following a Scottish curriculum programme of independent, child-centred learning, pupils delve into golden thread subjects of outdoor adventures, STEM, learning for life, enterprise, art, music and sports. Its strong academic foundation is supplemented by educational programmes designed to provide tangible skills. With a wealth of opportunities through its co-curricular programme, pupils can discover what it is that makes them tick.